Alexei Sebastian Cifrese
Audiobook Narrator
I have been a stage and voice actor in Seattle for about ten years now. In that time, I have played everything from a cappella-singing imperial fleet commanders to socially anxious daffodils.
As a playwright, I've had my work produced at Café Nordo, Annex Theatre, and Noveltease Theatre.
As a solo performer, I'm known for my semi-improvised, one-man burlesque parody of Webber's classic musical: The Phantom of the Opera but Every Character Sings a Different Language and also I Play All the Parts.​ ​
And as a narrator, I've narrated exciting titles spanning sci-fi space dramas to gender-bent classic romances. ​
What does all of this mean to you, dear reader?
It means that if you are looking for a narrator with versatility, a deft ability to acquire languages and dialects, a collaborative spirit, studio-quality audio; someone who is both professional yet affordable and approachable, you need look no further.
I'm a fringe theatre artist at heart. I firmly believe in producing good work at any budget and about any subject.
I want to work with you, wherever you may be at in your creative journey.
Let's tell a cool story together.
My home recording studio is a luxurious apartment closet, featuring a Sennheiser 416 microphone, a Solid State Logic 2 audio interface, and fitted with the finest moving blankets Home Depot had to offer.
Wanna hear how it sounds?
Click below!

Seattle, WA
The Emerald City

(509) 993-5373